The Fantastic Fish: A Story About Compassion from the Book of Jonah (Marsh, T. F. Tale Tellers.)

By T. F. Marsh.

The Fantastic Fish: A Story About Compassion from the Book of Jonah (Marsh, T. F. Tale Tellers.)


What if animals could tell us their tales? They can in . . . The Fantastic Fish God has told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach to the people there. But Jonah has other ideas and #151;he's headed for Tarshish on a ship. Well, Jonah can't run away from God so easily. The Lord sends a storm to get Jonah off the boat and a big fish to swallow him. After three days in that fish's smelly belly, Jonah's ready to preach.Fiddler, the crusty crab, goes along for the ride with Roly the little whale. And what a ride it is! After following Jonah through a storm, three days in a fish...


0781432847, 9780781432849


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