Crave: An Exploration of the Human Spirit - DVD Leader Kit (Crave (Lifeway))

By Erwin McManus.

Crave: An Exploration of the Human Spirit - DVD Leader Kit (Crave (Lifeway))


We all have cravings. And while many of those cravings can be satisfied, there are some that go much deeper. These soul cravings are much more difficult to satisfy even though we may try with our various forms of medications: from television and sports to alcohol, sex, and drugs.Crave contends that all of our soul cravings can be traced to three distinct areas of longing: intimacy, destiny, meaning. In this context, Erwin McManus wonders aloud if a healthier, more God-honoring examination of our soul cravings won t contribute to a life more alive and healthy. - from Amzon


1415869014, 9781415869017


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